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Coimbra, Portugal
(Est. 1308)
Faculty (7)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Faculty of Philosophy
Luis de MolinaProf. of Philosophy (1563-1567) 77Roman Catholicen | Scholasticon
Faculty of Theology
Gabriel a CostaProf. of Theology (1534-?) 2Roman Catholicn/a
Martín de LedesmaProf. of Theology (1541-1574) 2Roman CatholicScholasticon
Luís de SotomaiorProf. of Holy Scripture (1566-1580) 3Roman CatholicScholasticon
Hector PintoProf. of Holy Scripture (1576-?) 37Roman CatholicScholasticon
Francisco SuarezProf. of Theology (1597-1616) 291Roman Catholicen es | Scholasticon
Martinio PereyraProf. of Theology (?-?) 1Roman Catholicn/a

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