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Douai, France
(Est. 1559)
Faculty (9)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Guilielmus EstiusChancellor (1600-1682) 61Roman Catholicen nl | NNBW | Scholasticon
Nicolas de NancelProf. of Greek (?-?) 3Roman Catholicn/a
Jacques PlatelRector (?-?) 20Roman Catholicn/a
Faculty of Hebrew
Stephan IsaacProf. of Hebrew (1564-1565) 6Jewish, Lutheran, Reformed, Roman Catholicn/a
Jacques BonfrèreProf. of Hebrew (?-?) 3Roman Catholicn/a
Faculty of Theology
Richard SmythProf. of Theology (1562-1563) 28Roman CatholicDNB1
Guilielmus EstiusProf. of Theology (1582-1613) 61Roman Catholicen nl | NNBW | Scholasticon
Franciscus SylviusProf. of Theology (1613-1649) 48Roman Catholicn/a
Honoré TournelyProf. of Theology (1688-1692) 70Roman Catholicn/a

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