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« Freiburg  
  Ghent »
Geneva, Switzerland
(Est. 1559)
Faculty (87) | Disputations (79) | Related Primary Sources (18) | Secondary Sources (6)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Jean RibitRegent (1559-1562) 7Reformedn/a
Jean JacquemotRector (1586-1591) 19ReformedHaag1
Faculty of Arts
Claude BaudelProf. of Arts (1560-1561) 12n/an/a
Jacques Des BordesProf. of Arts (1562-1563) 0n/an/a
Joseph Justus ScaligerProf. of Arts (1572-1574) 50n/aADB
Isaac CasaubonProf. of Greek (1582-1596) 42ReformedEMLO
Alexandre MorusProf. of Greek (1639-1642) 42Reformeden | DBNL | Haag1
Faculty of Law
François HotmanProf. of Law (1573-1578) 130Reformeden fr | HLS
Julius PaciusProf. of Law (1575-1585) 134Reformeden it | HLS
Denis GodefroyProf. of Law (1580-1589) 25ReformedHLS
Jacques LectProf. of Law (1584-1611) 4ReformedHLS | Jöcher
Jacques GodefroyProf. of Law (1619-1652) 2Reformedn/a
Jean Jacques BurlamaquiProf. of Natural & Civil Law (1723-1740) 28ReformedHLS
Faculty of Philosophy
Jean TagautProf. of Philosophy (1559-1560) 9n/an/a
Simon SimoniProf. of Philosophy (1565-1567) 47n/an/a
Job VeiracProf. of Philosophy (1568-1572) 0n/an/a
Matthieu BeroaldProf. of Philosophy (1574-1576) 2ReformedHaag2
Antoine de la FayeProf. of Philosophy (1578-1580) 50ReformedHLS
Alexander BrissonProf. of Philosophy (1580-1582) 0Reformedn/a
Esaias ColladonProf. of Philosophy (1594-1611) 4ReformedHLS
Julius PaciusProf. of Philosophy (1595-1597) 134Reformeden it | HLS
Gaspard LaurentProf. of Greek (1597-1633) 13Reformedn/a
Caspar AlexiusProf. of Philosophy (1612-1617) 4ReformedBBKL
Johann SteckProf. of Philosophy (1616-1617) 21ReformedHLS
Nicolaus VedelProf. of Philosophy (1618-1630) 67ReformedDBNL
Caspar AlexiusProf. of Philosophy (1623-1626) 4ReformedBBKL
Frédéric Spanheim, SrProf. of Philosophy (1626-1631) 80Reformeden fr | ADB | GAMEO | HLS | Zedler
Paul BacuetProf. of Philosophy (1631-1641) 0ReformedHaag1
Jean Du PanProf. of Philosophy (1631-1650) 0Reformedn/a
Jean-Rodolphe Le FèvreProf. of Mathematics (1632-1633) 3ReformedHaag2
Jean-Rodolphe Le FèvreProf. of Greek (1633-1638) 3ReformedHaag2
Philippe MestrezatProf. of Philosophy (1641-1649) 12Reformeden | HLS
Etienne Le ClercProf. of Philosophy (1643-1662) 4ReformedHLS
Daniel PuerariProf. of Philosophy (1650-1692) 2ReformedHLS
Hans Kaspar WyssProf. of Philosophy (1656-1668) 3ReformedHLS | Leu
Jean-Robert ChouetProf. of Philosophy (1669-1686) 4ReformedHaag2 | HLS
Antoine Léger, IIProf. of Philosophy (1686-1713) 6ReformedHLS
Jean-Antoine GautierProf. of Philosophy (1696-1723) 25ReformedHLS
Faculty of Theology
Jean Raymond MerlinProf. of Hebrew (1558-1564) 1Reformedn/a
Jean CalvinProf. of Theology (1559-1564) 1316Reformeden fr | Bayle | CE | EMLO | GAMEO | Haag2 | HLS | Leu
Antoine Rodolphe ChevalierProf. of Hebrew (1559-1567) 17Reformeden | DNB1
Nicolas ColladonProf. of Theology (1562-1571) 3Reformeden | HLS
Théodore de BèzeProf. of Theology (1564-1605) 906Reformedfr en | Bayle | EMLO | Haag2 | HLS
Bonaventure Corneille BertramProf. of Oriental Languages (1567-1586) 26ReformedHaag2
Lambert DaneauProf. of Theology (1572-1581) 327Reformeden | EMLO | Haag2 | HLS | Scholasticon
Antoine de la FayeProf. of Theology (1581-1610) 50ReformedHLS
Antoine de ChandieuProf. of Theology (1585-1591) 118Reformedfr en | BBKL | Haag2 | HLS | Leu | VGT
Pierre ChevalierProf. of Hebrew (1587-1594) 0Reformedn/a
Jean-Baptiste RotanProf. of Theology (1587-1589) 1ReformedHaag1
Giovanni DiodatiProf. of Hebrew (1597-1606) 71Reformedit en | HLS
Hermann LignaridusProf. of Theology (1597-1598) 6Reformedn/a
Charles PerrotProf. of Theology (1598-1608) 0ReformedHaag1
Giovanni DiodatiProf. of Theology (1599-1645) 71Reformedit en | HLS
Théodore TronchinProf. of Hebrew (1606-1618) 13Reformeden | HLS
Caspar AlexiusProf. of Theology (1610-1611) 4ReformedBBKL
Benedict TurretinProf. of Theology (1612-1631) 33Reformedde | HLS
Théodore TronchinProf. of Theology (1615-1656) 13Reformeden | HLS
David Le ClercProf. of Hebrew (1618-1654) 5ReformedLeu
Frédéric Spanheim, SrProf. of Theology (1631-1642) 80Reformeden fr | ADB | GAMEO | HLS | Zedler
Alexandre MorusProf. of Theology (1642-1649) 42Reformeden | DBNL | Haag1
Antoine Léger, IProf. of Theology (1645-1661) 1ReformedHLS
Philippe MestrezatProf. of Theology (1649-1690) 12Reformeden | HLS
Johann Melchior SteinbergLecturer (1652-?) 4ReformedADB | NNBW
Francis TurretinProf. of Theology (1653-1687) 80Reformeden it | HLS | Scholasticon
Antoine Léger, IProf. of Hebrew (1654-1661) 1ReformedHLS
Pierre de la FontaineProf. of Hebrew (1661-1675) 0Reformedn/a
Louis Tronchin, IProf. of Theology (1661-1705) 5ReformedHLS
Michael TurretinProf. of Oriental Languages (1676-1718) 4Reformedn/a
Bénédict PictetProf. of Theology (1686-1724) 155Reformeden fr | HLS
Bénédict CalandriniProf. of Theology (1690-1720) 0ReformedHLS
Jean-Alphonse TurretinProf. of Church History (1697-1737) 130Reformeden fr | HLS
Jean-Alphonse TurretinProf. of Theology (1705-1737) 130Reformeden fr | HLS
Antoine Léger, IIProf. of Theology (1713-1719) 6ReformedHLS
Samuel TurretinProf. of Hebrew (1718-1719) 1Reformedn/a
Antoine Maurice, IProf. of Hebrew (1719-1724) 4ReformedHLS | Leu
Samuel TurretinProf. of Theology (1719-1727) 1Reformedn/a
Antoine Maurice, IProf. of Theology (1724-1756) 4ReformedHLS | Leu
Jacques-Théodore Le ClercProf. of Oriental Languages (1725-1757) 0ReformedHaag1
Jacob BessonnetProf. of Theology (1727-1749) 1Reformedn/a
Amedée LullinProf. of Church History (1737-1756) 2ReformedHLS
Louis Tronchin, IIProf. of Theology (1737-1756) 0Reformedn/a
François de RochesProf. of Moral Theology (1749-1769) 3ReformedHLS
Antoine Maurice, IIProf. of Theology (1756-1795) 1ReformedHLS
Jacques-André TrembleyProf. of Theology (1756-1763) 0ReformedHLS
Jacob VernetProf. of Theology (1756-1786) 89Reformeden
Gèdèon Le CointeProf. of Hebrew (1757-1773) 0ReformedHaag1
David ClaparèdeProf. of Theology (1763-1798) 10ReformedHLS

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