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Primary Sources (4 titles, 4 vols.) Suggest a New Source
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Keteltas, Abraham (1732-1798)  en
God Arising and Pleading His People’s Cause ; or The American War in Favor of Liberty, Against the Measures and Arms of Great Britain, Shewn to Be the Cause of God, ed. Reiner Smolinski [Electronic Texts in American Studies] (Newbury-Port : John Mycall for Edmund Sawyer, 1777)
Noble, Oliver (1734-1792)
Regular and skilful music in the worship of God : founded in the Law of Nature and introduced into his worship by his own institution, under both the Jewish and Christian dispensations : shewn in a sermon preached at the North Meeting-House, Newbury-Port, at the desire of the church and congregation, February 8th, 1774 (Newbury-Port : Daniel Bayley, 1774)
Some Strictures upon the Sacred Story Recorded in the Book of Esther, ed. Reiner Smolinski [Electronic Texts in American Studies] (Newbury-Port : E. Hunt and H. W. Tinges, 1775)
Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)  en
Psalms of David : imitated in the language of the New Testament, and applied to the Christian state and worship / (Newbury-Port : John Mycall, 1781)

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