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Ubaldini, Petruccio (†1600) 3Anglican, Roman Catholicen
Udall, John (†1592) 20Puritan, Reformeden
Udemans, Godefridus (†1649) 8Reformednl
Uffelmann, Heinrich (†1680) 1Lutherande
Újfalvi Katona, Imre (†1610) 4Reformed
Ulenberg, Kaspar (†1617) 39Roman Catholicen de
Ulmer, Johannes K. (†1600) 10Reformedde | VGT
Ulrich, Abraham (†1577) 17Lutheran
Ulrich, Abraham (fl.1613-1619) 2n/a
Ulrich, Johann J. (†1638) 22ReformedPhilosophy, Zürich (1611-1625); Theology, Zürich (1625-1638)ADB | HLS
Ulrich, Johann J. (†1731) 5ReformedPhilosophy, Zürich (1710-1728)HLS
Ulrich, Johann J. (†1668) 0ReformedHLS
Ulrich, Johann J. (†1788) 0Reformed
Ulrich, Kaspar (†1611) 7Lutheran, Reformed
Undereyck, Theodor (†1693) 5Reformedde | ADB | Rotermund
University of Cologne1Roman Catholic
University of Helmstedt3Lutheran
University of Paris1Roman Catholic
University of Rostock0Lutheran
University of Wittenberg15Lutheran
Unterrichter, Joseph, S.J. (†1800) 1Roman CatholicInnsbruck
Upmarck, Johan (†1743) 88n/a
Urban, Nicolaus (fl.1599-) 1n/a
Ursin, Theodor C. (†1748) 5Lutherande
Ursinus, Johann H. (†1667) 46Lutheranen
Ursinus, Wilhelm (fl.1602-1609) 4n/a
Ursinus, Zacharias (†1583) 173ReformedTheology, Heidelberg (1562-1567); Theology, Neustadt an der Haardt (1578-1583)en de | ADB | VGT
Ussher, James (†1656) 360Anglican, ReformedTheology, Dublin (1607-1621)en | DNB1 | EMLO
Ussher, James (†1772) 5Anglican
Utrecht University2Reformed
Uytenbogaert, Jan (†1644) 326Arminian-Remonstranten nl | NNBW
Uythage, Cnaeus C. (fl.1680-) 2ReformedTheology, Leiden

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