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Author | Vols. | Tradition | Faculty | Reference | Aalstius, Johannes (†1712) | 8 | Reformed | | DBNL | Abelard, Peter (†1142) | 24 | n/a | | en fr | EMLO | Abicht, Johann G. (†1740) | 76 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Leipzig (1702-1711); Theology, Leipzig (1711-1717); Rector, Danzig (1717-1730); Theology, Wittenberg (1730-1739) | de en | ADB | Zedler | Abillon, André d', S.J. (†1664) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Abra de Raconis, Charles F. (†1646) | 15 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Paris (1610-1616); Theology, Paris (1616-?) | en fr | Scholasticon | Abraham ibn Daud (†1180) | 1 | Jewish | | en es | Abresch, Petrus (†1811) | 8 | Reformed | | | Acanthius, Georg D. (fl.1549-1554) | 3 | n/a | | | Acatius, Ferdinand, S.J. (†1691) | 1 | n/a | | | Accoramboni, Felice (fl.1540-1590) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | DBI | Achillini, Alexander (†1512) | 16 | n/a | | en it | Aconcio, Giacomo (†1566) | 19 | Reformed | | en it | Acosta, José de, S.J. (†1600) | 60 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Rome (Gregorianum) (1594-?) | en | Scholasticon | Adam, Melchior (†1622) | 34 | Reformed | | en de | NDB | Adama, Lollius E. (†1609) | 7 | Reformed | Philosophy, Franeker (1585-1609) | DBNL | Adami, Tobias (†1642) | 2 | n/a | | | Adelphus, Johannes (†1523) | 37 | n/a | | | Adiutus, Josephus (†1668) | 8 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1646-1668) | de | Aelhuysen, Johannes van (†1685) | 3 | n/a | | | Aepinus, Franz A. (†1750) | 9 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Rostock (1712-1721); Theology, Rostock (1721-1750) | de | ADB | Scholasticon | Agricola, Rodolph (†1485) | 72 | n/a | | en nl | BBKL | CE | Agrippa of Nettesheim, Heinrich C. (†1535) | 23 | n/a | | | Aguilar, José de, S.J. (†1708) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Aidy, Andrew (†1630) | 3 | Reformed | | pl | Ailly, Pierre d' (†1420) | 27 | n/a | | en | Ainsworth, Henry (†1622) | 51 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB2 | Airay, Christopher (†1670) | 1 | n/a | | en | DNB1 | Alamanni, Cosmo, S.J. (†1634) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Alberti, Valentin (†1697) | 140 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Leipzig (1663-1672); Theology, Leipzig (1672-1697) | de en | BBKL | NDB | Albertus Magnus, O.P. (†1280) | 219 | n/a | | | Albinus (fl.150-) | 1 | n/a | | en | Aldrich, Henry (†1710) | 7 | Anglican | | en | Alembert, Jean Le Rond d' (†1783) | 51 | n/a | | | Alexander Bonini (†1314) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Alexander of Aphrodisias (fl.198-c.209) | 22 | n/a | | | Allen, William (†1594) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | en | DNB2 | Almain, Jacques (†1515) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Alsted, Johann H. (†1638) | 212 | Reformed | Philosophy & Theology, Herborn (1608-1629) | en de | EMLO | NDB | Scholasticon | Altenstaig, Johannes (†1525) | 72 | Roman Catholic | | ADB | Althamer, Andreas (†1539) | 81 | Lutheran | | de en | BBKL | NDB | Ames, William (†1633) | 210 | Puritan, Reformed | Theology, Franeker (1622-1633) | en de | ADB | DNB1 | DNB2 | EMLO | NNBW | Scholasticon | Amico, Bartolomeo, S.J. (†1649) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | en | Scholasticon | Ammann, Johannes J. (†1573) | 2 | Reformed | Philosophy, Zürich (1526-?) | HLS | Ammonius Hermiae (†c.520) | 2 | n/a | | | Amo, Anton W. (†c.1759) | 3 | n/a | |  | Amort, Eusebius (†1775) | 27 | Roman Catholic | | | Andala, Ruard (†1727) | 80 | Reformed | Philosophy, Franeker (1701-1713); Theology, Franeker (1713-1727) | DBNL | Anderson, Walter (†1800) | 1 | n/a | | | Andreä, Samuel (†1699) | 43 | Reformed | Rector, Herborn (1669-1671); Philosophy, Marburg (1674-1683); Theology, Marburg (1676-1699) | de | ADB | Andrea della Croce (†1675) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Andreae, Tobias (†1676) | 15 | Reformed | Philosophy, Groningen (1635-1676) | DBNL | EMLO | Andreas, Antonius , O.F.M. (†1320) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Aneau, Barthélémy (†1561) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | en | Angelucci, Teodoro | 1 | n/a | | | Angermann, Adalbert, O.F.M. (fl.1700-) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Annet, Peter (†1769) | 30 | n/a | | | Anreiter, Thomas, S.J. (†1652) | 5 | Roman Catholic | Arts, Dillingen (1616-1622); Philosophy, Dillingen (1622-1624); Theology, Dillingen (1626-1644); Theology, Dillingen (1644-1647) | Scholasticon | Aquarius, Matthias, O.P. (†1591) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Aratus (†240) | 2 | n/a | | en | Araujo, Francisco de, O.P. (†1664) | 26 | Roman Catholic | | en | CE | Scholasticon | Arcerius, Johannes (†1604) | 4 | Reformed | | | Aristotle (†322) | 50 | n/a | | en | Bayle | CE | Arnauld, Antoine (†1694) | 218 | Roman Catholic | | fr en | BBKL | CE | Arnd, Karl (†1721) | 15 | n/a | | | Arnisaeus, Henning (†1636) | 39 | Lutheran | | | Arnold, Lorenz (fl.1589-1596) | 2 | Lutheran | | | Arnoldi, Bartholomaeus (†1532) | 65 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Arnou, Nicolas, O.P. (†1692) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Arriaga, Rodrigo de, S.J. (†1667) | 26 | Roman Catholic | | BBKL | Ascham, Roger (†1568) | 29 | Anglican | | EMLO | Ashmole, Elias (†1692) | 4 | n/a | | | Aslakssøn, Cort (†1624) | 5 | Lutheran, Reformed | Philosophy, Copenhagen (1600-1607); Theology, Copenhagen (1607-1624) | no | NBL | Astell, Mary (†1731) | 5 | n/a | | | Astruc, Jean (†1766) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | BBKL | CE | Aubert, Jacques (†1587) | 14 | Reformed | | | Aubery, Claude (†1596) | 43 | Reformed | Philosophy, Lausanne (1576-1592) | Haag2 | Leu | Aurogallus, Matthaeus (†1543) | 7 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1521-1543) | de en | NDB | Averröes (†1198) | 8 | n/a | | | Aversa, Raffaele, C.R.M. (†1657) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | |
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